Best Book in Austrian Economics
SDAE Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics

2023 SDAE Price for Best Book in Austrian Economics
Better Money: Gold, Fiat, or Bitcoin?
Lawrence H. White, George Mason University
Cambridge University Press (2023)

2022 SDAE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Wretched Refuse? The Political Economy of Immigration and Institutions
Alex Nowrasteh, Cato Institute
Benjamin Powell, Texas Tech University
Cambridge University Press (2020)

2021 SDAE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Escaping Paternalism: Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy
Mario J. Rizzo, New York University
Glen Whitman, California State University, Northridge
Cambridge University Press (2019)

2020 SDAE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Tyranny Comes Homes: The Domestic Fate of U.S. Militarism
Christopher J. Coyne, George Mason University
Abigail R. Hall, The University of Tampa
Stanford University Press (2018)

2019 SDAE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Humanomics: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations for the Twenty-First Century
Vernon L. Smith, Chapman University
Bart J. Wilson, Chapman University
Cambridge University Press (2019)

2018 SDAE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Elinor Ostrom: An Intellectual Biography
Vlad Tarko, Dickinson College
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2016)

2017 SDAE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
The Viennese Students of Civilization: The Meaning and Context of Austrian Economics Reconsidered
Erwin Dekker, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Cambridge University Press (2016)

2016 SDAE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Bourgeois Equality: How Ideas, Not Capital or Institutions, Enriched the World
Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Chicago Press (2016)

2015 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life
Edward Peter Stringham, Trinity College
Oxford University Press (2015)

2014 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Organizing Entrepreneurial Judgment: A New Approach to the Firm
Nicolai J. Foss, Copenhagen Business School
Peter G. Klein, University of Missouri, Columbia
Cambridge University Press (2012)

2013 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
The Clash of Economic Ideas: The Great Policy Debates and Experiments of the Last Hundred Years
Lawrence H. White, George Mason University
Cambridge University Press (2012)

2012 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University
Independent Institute/Universidad Francisco Marroquín (2012)

2011 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
The Cultural and Political Economy of Recovery: Social Learning in a Post-Disaster Environment
Emily Chamlee-Wright, Beloit College
Routledge (2010)

2011 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Good Money: Birmingham Button Makers, the Royal Mint, and the Beginnings of Modern Coinage, 1775-1821
George A. Selgin, West Virginia University
Independent Institute (2011)

2010 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates
Peter T. Leeson, George Mason University
Princeton University Press (2009)

2009 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
Fiscal Sociology and the Theory of Public Finance: An Exploratory Essay
Richard E. Wagner, George Mason University
Edward Elgar Publishing (2007)

2008 FEE Prize for The Best Book in Austrian Economics
After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy
Christopher J. Coyne, George Mason University
Stanford University Press (2007)

2007 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
Socialism after Hayek
Theodore A. Burczak, Denison University
University of Michigan Press (2006)

2005 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present
Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Loyola University Maryland
Crown Forum (2005)

2004 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
Hayek’s Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek
Bruce Caldwell, Duke University
University of Chicago Press (2003)

2003 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
Big Players and the Economic Theory of Expectations
Roger Koppl, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Palgrave Macmillan (2002)

2002 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
An Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm
Frederic E. Sautet, New Zealand Treasury
Routledge (2000)

2001 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure
Roger W. Garrison, Auburn University
Routledge (2001)

2001 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
Microfoundations and Macroeconomics: An Austrian Perspective
Steven Horwitz, St. Lawrence University
Routledge (2000)

2000 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
Knowledge, Institutions, and Evolution in Economics
Brian Loasby, University of Stirling
Routledge (1999)

1999 Smith Center Prize for the Best Book in Austrian Economics
Capital in Disequilibrium: The Role of Capital in a Changing World
Peter Lewin, The University of Texas at Dallas
Routledge (1999)